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No New Posts Dead Tree

Welcome to the dead tree. See it lying against the side of the camp, spreading it's dead branches outwards? This tree has been here for as long as any elder can remember in the tales, and it is still used for the Leader's ceremonies and announcements.

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No New Posts Main Clearing

This is Shadowclan's Main Clearing. The cats of Shadowclan, and of other clans in certain cases, gather here outside the dens, walk around, talk, get ready for patrols, play fight, eat, share tongues (on rare occasions) or just do nothing and lay in camp, taking a rest or a nice long break.

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No New Posts Leader's Den

This is the Shadowclan Leader's Den. Beneath the Dead Stump hangs a long overhand of ferns and toadstools and lichen, creating a den. On the inside, the ground is cleared out and covered with moss and more ferns, making it comfortable for the leader to sleep.

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No New Posts Medicine Cat's Den

This is the Shadowclan Medicine Cat's Den. The Medicine Cat and his or her apprentice sleep here, in this well protected den near the center of camp, with soft moss and comfortable floor where sick and injured cats can rest without trouble. Kits are strictly forbidden to go into the Medicine Den, unless they are sick, or injured, or need to talk to the Medicine Cat.

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No New Posts Warrior's Den

This is the Shadowclan Warrior's Den. The warriors and the deputy of Shadowclan sleep here, and the den is near the only entrance to camp, ready to protect the clan from an attack. This den is protected by branches stripped bare, and mud and roots.

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No New Posts Apprentice's Den - 1 Viewing

This is the Shadowclan Apprentice's Den. The apprentices of Shadowclan sleep closest to the warriors, on there own side of the camp, reinforcements to fight back against a raid. If they must, there is a tunnel that leads to the nursery in the back of the den, in case of serious situations.

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No New Posts Nursery

This is the Shadowclan Nursery. This is where the kits and queens of the clan sleep. This is the most protected den in the camp, as all warriors protect the kits and queens of the clan with their lives. The den is warm on the inside, with very soft ground underpaw, and some sunlight at least streams through the bracken.

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No New Posts Elder's Den

This is the Shadowclan Elder's Den. Here is where the elders of Shadowclan sleep. They are to be respected by the rest of the clan, especially by the apprentices put to work, and the kits that are naughty and have a punishment to clean out the Elder's Den. Many cats enjoy listening to the Elder's Stories.

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Board Description
This is the Shadowclan Camp. The camp is sorrounded by Toadstool Bushes, marshes, and thick ferns. The camp is well hidden in the shadows of the pine tree forest, and the fierce cold winds swipe up through these uplands. The Shadowclan camp is as secret as the clan themselves.
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