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No New Posts Shell Stump

This is the Shell Stump. If any other clan had claimed this territory, it would just be a stump, but Riverclan decorated the stump with shells, and soon it became the place where the leader called meetings and ceremonies from. The bark is smooth along the sides, with small cracks that hold the shells.

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No New Posts Main Clearing

This is Riverclan's Main Clearing. Here is where the Riverclan cats mile about outside their dens, talk, share tongues, eat, or just play fight, like most apprentices and kits. It is a beautiful camp, decorated and sheltered by the river, with the trickle of water between the pebbles.

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No New Posts Leader's Den

This is the Riverclan Leader's Den. The den is located in the far corner of the camp, beside a small, trickling stream, making it easy for the leader to get water when he or she needs it. The den is packed tightly with reeds and mud, and is decorated with shells and other treasures found by warriors going by the river.

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No New Posts Medicine Cat's Den - 1 Viewing

This is the Riverclan Medicine Cat's Den. The Medicine Cat and his or her apprentice sleeps here, and store the herbs in crevices on the floor of the den, so playing kits can't scatter the neat well-sorted piles. The ground is soft and covered with ferns and moss for the sick cats, and is close enough to the river to get water.

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No New Posts Warrior's Den

This is the Riverclan Warrior's Den. The warriors and deputy sleep here. The ground is soft and covered with moss and ferns, and other soft plants, while the den itself is decorated with with shells and other objects found. The den is large, with well built walls, as it is rarely hurt in raids, because other cats hardly make it to the island.

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No New Posts Apprentice's Den

This is the Riverclan Apprentice's Den. This is where the apprentices of Riverclan sleep. Just outside the den, is where they eat fresh-kill, separated from the warriors by rank. The den is as decorated as the rest of the dens, and the Shell Stump, and the den is warm and filled with soft moss.

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No New Posts Nursery

This is the Riverclan Nursery. The queens and kits of the clan sleep here, and are well protected by the rest of the clan. The nursery is the most beautiful den in the clan. It is decorated exactly for the playfulness of kits, and to look outstanding as well. The den is warm and warm, with the softest ferns and moss on the floor.

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No New Posts Elder's Den

This is the Riverclan Elder's Den. The elders get the den cleaned every day by the clan apprentices, although they obviously hate cleaning the elder's bedding. The den isn't as decorated as the rest of the dens, mostly because they don't want to listen to the elders complaining about the decorations.

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Board Description
This is the Riverclan Camp. The camp is surrounded on all sides by a river, creating a little island, with reeds and water. The ground that the camp is on is higher up, which protects the camp from small floods, and if it gets worse there is higher ground. As long as the cats don't like getting their paws wet, the camp is hardly attacked.
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