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No New Posts Introductions

Are you a new member who just joined? Or an older one that wants to introduce yourself? Come here. You are not required to introduce yourself to the site. If you would like to remain anonymous, or have people get to know you a different way, you are welcome to. This is also the place where you come if you want an RP Buddy, or RP Friend.

2 4 + + a few notes on mizz cace
by + + Cace
Mar 7, 2009 17:53:23 GMT -5
No New Posts Advertising

This is the advertising board. Guests and members are welcome to advertise their own sites here. You may not Affiliate in this board. The Affiliate Board is separate from the Advertisements. Please post your ad in the correct sub-board, and please do not post in the main board.

Sub-boards: First Post, Link Back

65 65 Another Warrior RP
by AWRP Creator
Nov 13, 2012 15:08:05 GMT -5
No New Posts Affiliate

This is the Affiliate Board. You may not advertise here, but you can post the advertisement along with your affiliate button/banner. Guests and members both are allowed to post here. Please make sure your banner is 88 x 31 pixels, otherwise it will not be approved.

1 1 Affiliate Rules, banner, and code.
by Hollystar
Mar 7, 2009 10:07:03 GMT -5
No New Posts Out Of Character

This is the Out of Character board. Included here are the sub-boards, Random Chat, Absences, Poems and Stories, Graphics, Staff Board, Games, and Contests. Feel free to post random threads here. You are allowed to be completely off topic, and speak about whatever you like! But follow the rules, as we moderate here too!

Sub-boards: Random Chat, Absences, Stories and Poems, Graphics, Contests, Staff Board

4 9 Clan Names
by Emma (: [one]
Mar 25, 2009 18:39:29 GMT -5
No New Posts Instructions

This is the board that contains everything important that you need to know to be a member on this site. The rules, important announcements, history, dead/closed thread (in a separate sub-board), and any other information that I believe goes here.

Sub-board: Dead/Closed Threads

4 10 Ceremonies
by Hollystar
Mar 7, 2009 11:12:49 GMT -5
No New Posts Cat Creation

This is the Cat Creation board. In this board is the Profile Template, and where you create the cats you need to Role Play with. You may not Role Play with the cat until he/she has been approved, locked, and/or moved to the Approved Board. (Someone might be too lazy to do all that.)

Sub-boards: Pending, Approved

13 20 [river]goldenstar;[clanleader]
by Hollystar
Mar 24, 2009 19:42:42 GMT -5
No New Posts Profile Extras

Need something extra for your cat? Mate, friend, someone to RP Family or other cats that might have to do with the plot surrounding your cat, post here. It's always more fun to Rp with someone who knows the plot, and about the other characters too. Include some information.

1 1 Fill-Out Form
by Hollystar
Mar 7, 2009 10:43:24 GMT -5
No New Posts Support

If you are a guest or member that needs some help, come here and ask the question, or complaint if you must. I will allow complaints, but if it goes too far you will have to stop. Members and staff can answer questions, not guests.

2 4 Just quickly...
by Emma
Mar 16, 2009 20:40:38 GMT -5

Thunderclan Territory

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No New Posts Camp

Welcome to the Thunderclan Camp. Here, the clearing is surrounded by a thick gorse wall, filled with thorns, keeping the inside of camp safe from enemies. The only way in and out is to go up and down the ravine that leads into the camp. Thunderclan's camp is open, with branches sheltering them, although still allowing sunlight to stream through.

Moderator: Hollystar

Sub-boards: High Rock, Main Clearing, Leader's Den, Medicine Cat's Den, Warrior's Den, Apprentice's Den, Nursery, Elder's Den

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No New Posts Sunningrocks

These are Sunningrocks. Thunderclan treasures and loves this warm, sunny part of their territory, with prey hiding in Green-Leaf, and warming rock. The river gurgles by, marking the border with Riverclan, and Sunningrocks is barely ever a peaceful place to be, with constant border fights.

Moderator: Hollystar

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No New Posts Training Hollow

This is the Training Hollow. Here the ground is sandy, and warm, with soft ground, an easy place for training. Warriors bring their apprentices here mostly for battle training, and showing hunting techniques, so they don't get hurt during training. It is a beautiful place in the warm moons.

Moderator: Hollystar

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No New Posts The Forest

This is the forest. Thunderclan Territory is filled with beautiful trees, mostly in the summer, whiles the leaves are full and branches wide, and then in the fall, where the leaves change colors. The undergrowth is thick, with brambles and many thorns, and the forest is usually lush with pray and plants.

Moderator: Hollystar

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Riverclan Territory

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No New Posts Camp

This is the Riverclan Camp. The camp is surrounded on all sides by a river, creating a little island, with reeds and water. The ground that the camp is on is higher up, which protects the camp from small floods, and if it gets worse there is higher ground. As long as the cats don't like getting their paws wet, the camp is hardly attacked.

Sub-boards: Shell Stump, Main Clearing, Leader's Den, Medicine Cat's Den, Warrior's Den, Apprentice's Den, Nursery, Elder's Den

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No New Posts The River

This is the river. The river cuts through most of Riverclan Territory. Surrounding the camp, it leads off in two directions. The easiest place to cross the river is the Stepping Stones, but that brings you into Thunderclan Territory. The river heads over to the gorge, the border between Riverclan and Windclan Territory.

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No New Posts Farmland

On one edge of Riverclan Territory, is a farm land. It is not a true farmland, as the animals rarely go here. Once and awhile a patrol might see come horses or other creatures grazing the grass near the river. They are not scared of the creatures, but stay away just in case of danger.

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No New Posts Reeds and Streams

A considerable part of Riverclan Territory is made up of reeds and streams, other than the river. The ground is mostly wet underpaw, but not really that marshy. The reeds are a perfect place to stalk prey from, unless you'd rather fish from the river, of course.

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Shadowclan Territory

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No New Posts Camp

This is the Shadowclan Camp. The camp is sorrounded by Toadstool Bushes, marshes, and thick ferns. The camp is well hidden in the shadows of the pine tree forest, and the fierce cold winds swipe up through these uplands. The Shadowclan camp is as secret as the clan themselves.

Sub-boards: Dead Tree, Main Clearing, Leader's Den, Medicine Cat's Den, Warrior's Den, Apprentice's Den, Nursery, Elder's Den

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No New Posts Carrionplace

This is the Carrionplace. The stench here is powerful, and revolting. It is disgusting to be around. Twoleg trash everywhere, rats, rotten objects, and waste and other trash. Taking crow-food from this place can cause a disease that is fatal to nearly every cat that is infected by it.

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No New Posts Thunderpath Tunnel

This is the Tunnel that leads under the Thunderpath, into Thunderclan Territory. Shadowclan has used the tunnel before to raid Thunderclan Territory, although most of Thunderclan now know of the tunnel that gives Shadowclan a path strait to their home.

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No New Posts Pines and Marshes

Pines and marshes consist of nearly all of Shadowclan Territory, that hasn't already been named. The ground is all marshy and muddy underpaw, wet and cold between your paw pads and fur, but Shadowclan cats must get used to it. It is very shadowed in the forest, and the branches hang low over the ground.

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Windclan Territory

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No New Posts Camp

This is Windclan's Camp. In a hollow dip in the ground, across the long stretch of moorland, lies a sheltered camp, surrounded by gorse and bracken. The inside is flat ground, and the camp is wide enough to fit dens, as well as open area on the ground for cats to sleep out in the open.

Sub-boards: Streaked Stone, Main Clearing, Leader's Den, Medicine Cat's Den, Warrior's Den, Apprentice's Den, Nursery, Elder's Den

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No New Posts The Gorge

This is the gorge. It is the most dangerous spot on Windclan Territory. The gorge is long, stretched across the river that flows at the bottom. The edge is very steep, and you can easily die if you fall into the gorge from the highest point of the cliff. If you don't, swimming that harsh current of the river can be enough to take your life.

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No New Posts Tree Strip

This is the Tree Strip. The narrow strip of land right near the border of Thunderclan is covered with a narrow bit of forest. A few squirrels run here, but other than that the territory hold nothing, except for maybe a few mice that run over the border.

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No New Posts Moorland

Welcome to the Moorland. This territory belongs to Windclan. The flat, long plains of lolling hills and endless moors are the perfect place for the quick, small Windclan Warriors, who run across the moorland in search of prey, rabbits, using there small sizes and quick speed to the advantage.

1 3 chasing clouds. (open!)
by Emma (: [one]
Mar 25, 2009 19:25:37 GMT -5

Rogue Territory

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No New Posts Abandoned Barn

This is the Abandoned Barn. This is where two loners, Ravenpaw and Barley once lived, but they died many seasons ago, along with the legends of Firestar, and the other cats of the prophecies. The barn is used for the leaders that pass by off and on, and some of the rogues live here because it has much prey, and is warm.

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No New Posts Twoleg Fields

These are the Twoleg Fields. This is where the twolegs keep their animals. The fields stretch on for miles, heading to the distant mountains, where, which the clans do not know, the Tribe of Rushing Water live. The fields have a variety of animals living on them, such as horses, sheep, cows, and many more.

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No New Posts Apple Forest

This is the Apple Forest. Located outside of clan territory, and closer to the twoleg farms than anywhere else, are the apple trees. In summer the green and red fruit grow from the trees, hanging down from the branches, many little apples. Twolegs are always crowding around the trees, picking the apples and taking them in small pelts, that hold the fruit.

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No New Posts Unclaimed Territory

This is the Unclaimed Territory, that all the loners and rogues live in. The territory is outside of the clan borders, although some rogues intrude on the clan territory for whatever the reason may be. The territory stretches from the twoleg fields and all the way to the furthest clan border.

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Tribe of Rushing Water

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No New Posts Waterfall Camp

This is the camp of the Tribe of Rushing Water. The camp is located in a small tunnel leading behind the waterfall that pours down the mountain, in a large cave. The cave leads off in two directions, one heading to the Cave of Pointed Stones, and the Nursery. The tribe is separated on sides by Cave Guards and Prey Hunters.

Sub-boards: Nursery, Cave of Pointed Stones

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No New Posts Ragged Cliff

This is the ragged cliff. At the far side of Tribe of Rushing Water Territory is a cliff that falls all the way to the bottom of the mountain. The side is cut and ragged, and easy to slip and fall off of, as it is so steep. The tribe stays away from the edge of the cliff, as it is not safe even for the smallest and swiftest of cats.

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No New Posts Falcon Nest

This is the falcon nest. It is am important landmark in the tribe territory, as many cats have died trying to get the falcon's, for food and protecting the tribe. The falcon's lay many chicks here each year, and they can be easy prey, if the grown falcons stayed away. It is the best place to get food, from falcons, in the territory.

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No New Posts Mountainside

The territory of the Tribe of Rushing Water consists of rugged mountain-side, steep cliffs, and dangerous stones. It is so easy to fall from the high points on the mountain, and in Frozen-Ice, it can be bitterly cold. The prey consists of birds, rabbits, squirrels, and few other creatures. Watch out of the eagles and grown up predators!

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No New Posts Bloodclan Territory

Bloodclan take up a small portion of the twolegplace, consisting of the deserted part of town, where they can scavenge off of rubbish, and other items thrown out by the twolegs, and maybe the occasional food that may pass by. Despite the fall of Scourge so many seasons ago, the clan is still as cold and hostile to intruders as before.

1 4 -Wandering- Open
by Emma (: [one]
Mar 25, 2009 20:20:10 GMT -5
No New Posts Twoleg Homes/Gardens

These are the homes of the twolegs, and the gardens fenced around them. Kittypets live with the twolegs, in a life that is well different than any clan, rogue, or loner. Some may go off to join the wild cats, while other may chose to stay with the twolegs in a life of luxury and no hardships.

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